Thursday, November 10, 2011

So...just who can be 'Haus'?

HausFrau Keighley says, "If you stand while eating, you only get half the calories!"

I've been asked by people if they can be considered a "HausFrau", if they aren't married. The sad answer is no, they can't.

The good news, however, is that they still can be 'Haus'. In fact, pretty much anyone can be a different kind of 'Haus', as long as you fit the other guidelines (liking alcohol, the ability to exude palpable sarcasm, etc.) But it doesn't matter if you're married or unmarried, male or female, and whether or not you're in love with someone of the same sex, different sex, if you're asexual, a dendrophiliac (likes to get nasty with trees)-- as long as you can do a shot without wincing and halfway clean a kitchen (especially if you can do them at the same time), you're welcome here :) 

However, not everyone can be considered a "HausFrau". That title is one that is for females who are married.
If you are a female, but unmarried, you are a "HausFrauline".
If you are a male who is married, you are a "Hausband".
If you are a male, but unmarried, you are a "HausHans".

If you want to be 'Haus', we're glad to have you.

So let's all raise a very full glass (I'm drinking armaretto and sour), and...

HausFrau Keighley


  1. but what if you are classified as a "civil union?"

  2. I personally view civil unions the same way I do marriages (because, I believe, they SHOULD be marriages rather than civil unions)-- so I would use either "HausFrau" or "Hausband" :)


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